Dogs have come a long way since they departed from their wolf ancestors and took their place at our side. Not only have they helped the development of the modern world, they’ve also established themselves as family members in countless homes. Many people who grew up alongside a dog will rave about the joy that their pet has brought to their lives. Before you go hunting for a puppy store in NJ, you may consider holding off and planning the ultimate Christmas surprise for your partner or kids. We’ve all seen the TV shows and movies where someone gets a puppy for Christmas, and it seems like nothing could make them happier. There are even thousands of videos online showing the joy that a puppy in a box can bring to a family.

So here’s some advice for planning the perfect Christmas pooch for your loved ones.

Do they Want a Dog?

Before anything else, asking yourself this question first can save you a lot of time and money. If your kid has shown an absolute fear or disgust in dogs (which while rare isn’t completely unheard of) then chances are they won’t be stoked with a dog for Christmas. If they’re young you may be able to word the question in a way which doesn’t hint at your prerogative. Otherwise simply putting on a classic doggy movie and watching how they react can be a fair indicator.

Make sure you are 100% sure you can look after the puppy, considering work commitments etc, before getting one. Christmas is a notorious time of year for unwanted puppies to be sent to a shelter, so make sure you’re not adding to that.

What Kind of Dog?

Once you know for sure that they want a dog, it’s time to figure out what kind of dog they want. This may be easy for some parents, with their child remarking that they LOVE the dog from Marley & Me (labrador retriever). Or you can take them to a puppy store to see the kinds of breeds that are looking for a loving home.

If specifics are too hard to glean, then finding out general things like what size and what kind of temperament can help.

Do Your Research and Prepare In Advance

The worst thing you can do to a puppy is bring them into a house which isn’t prepared for them, only to scold them when they do something wrong. Instead, you should do your research into the dog breed and prepare the house well in advance.

Why Dog Breeds Matter

Not only does the breed of your dog determine how they look, but also their nature and their requirements. By deciding in advance which breed you will get, you will have the opportunity to read about that breed and prepare accordingly.

The American Kennel Club has a fantastic section on dog breeds on their website with plenty of information and pictures.

Preparing Your House

This is arguably the most important step if you’re planning on getting a Christmas pooch for someone in your family. Ensuring that the house can quickly be set up for a puppy is a must, and will save you time and money on not having to clean or repair things. As this is meant to be a surprise, some cunning is required in hiding any dog gates and other paraphernalia.

Be sure to prepare:

  • Plenty of appropriate puppy food which is relevant to the breed, age, and size.
  • An area either inside or outside (or both) where the puppy can go to the toilet prior to training
  • Close or block any gaps under fences where the dog can get out, and also any gaps inside your house where they might get stuck.
  • Ensure all chemical products (e.g. cleaning products) are packed away safely
  • Ensure all fragile ornaments and anything which can be knocked over or chewed on are packed away.
  • Organize any electrical cables to be either out of reach or covered

If you want to learn more about how to prepare your house for puppies, pop into our puppy store in NJ.

Preparing Children for Responsibility

If you’re looking to give a pup to your child or children for Christmas, you will need to start preparing them for the responsibility. This can be done in a number of different ways, including even getting a lower maintenance pet like a fish for them to start with.

The Center for Parenting Education has this great resource on teaching responsibility to your children.

The Big Day

Ideally in the days leading up to Christmas, you can visit our puppy store in NJ and if you already have decided on the exact puppy you want. As most stores are closed over Christmas, you may need to get the puppy in advance. Ask any friends or family if they are able to look after the puppy for the days prior to Christmas, otherwise look for a doggy lodge which can take care of them.